NorthWestWind's Brella Counter

Today's Brella Rate: 0.5714 (4/7)










Cumulative Stats

(Brellas) 2066 | 11702 (Games)

(Our) 875 vs 1191 (Other)

First Record: 2022-09-26 13:29:12

Displaying Time Zone: UTC0

What is this?

Welcome to NorthWestWind's Brella Counter. This is where I count how many Brella players I have encountered in Splatoon 3. They are so rare and precious, so I must cherish every one of my encounters.

At the top of the page is today's Brella rate. As I play at least 2 hours of Splatoon 3 every day on stream, I would like to know how many Brella players I have seen today. The "rate" is simply the amount of Brella players divided by the amount of games of the day. Note that this is not counting myself. The 4 columns after that (or 4 rows on mobile) is the count of individual Brella types spotted. Followed by that is the total count of Brella players I have matched with and games I have played, and how many of them appeared on which team.

How is this possible?

I use, and I have a program setup that automatically uploads my match results to the website. If you are interested in my profile, you can check it out here. The backend behind this website is just adding new match data every 5 minutes, and the website will update accordingly.

Who is she?

You mean her? This is Integrelle! Our beloved Brella-playing inkling girl.

I want more!

This website is open source! Feel free to look at the source code on GitHub:

I also stream Splatoon 3 every day! Check out my Twitch channel :>.
Here are some ways you can reach me: